Sunday, August 11, 2019

Quantum Physics Is Not Magic—It’s More Weird than that

There is an experiment that seems to show that the past can be changed by something called a “quantum eraser.”

While that claim goes too far, the principle of quantum entanglement, used in the experiment, is just as weird.  Here is a video that takes this complex topic and makes it so clear that even I can understand parts of it.  Almost.


The lesson here is that, those of us who assert Consciousness as a fundamental principle of reality, need to be careful in how we interpret evidence, and how we evaluate extraordinary claims.  The internet and bookstores are fraught with wild claims that sound good at first, but break down under further scrutiny.

Reality is weird enough without leprechauns.  Leprechauns are mischievous, mythical creatures that mislead the conversation.  Let’s not invoke them.

Also, let’s not forget that physicalists correctly point out that physical reality appears to be physical.  Accepting that Mind@Large, or the Cosmic Consciousness, or (my favorite), God, supersedes the physical, it is nevertheless true that whatever gives rise to the apparent reality of the physical, does so for a reason.  It’s not a trick to deceive us.  Contrary to what some of my Christian friends assert, God did not plant dinosaur fossils in the earth to test our faith.

We should not be astonished (or disappointed) then, that physical experiments conducted by physicalist physicists (a play on words there) conclude that there are physical explanations for quantum events.

Past, present and future have mystified the great minds of philosophy for thousands of years, and just as much, they mystify present-day scientists.  Accepted physical theories do not account for the “arrow of time.”  Physics does not prefer events flowing from past to future, no more so than from future to past. 

An intriguing idea is that all of time, past and future alike, is a single thing, and moreover, that the various “locations” in time are all interacting with each other in a continuous feedback loop.  What this idea suggests is that both past and future can be changed, and indeed, are changing each other all the “time.”

Consciousness does play a fundamental role, but the "quantum observer" is not consciousness itself.  Consciousness overarches physical reality.  It is not produced by that which it perceives.
Here is another video that explores the idea (among others) of a universal feedback loop of time and consciousness.  Again, I do not pretend to agree with (or even understand) all of it, but it does provide food for thought.


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