Friday, August 2, 2019

Is There an After-Life?

I think there is no physical way to answer the question about what happens to our conscious self after we die.  The rational skeptic can dismiss any proposed answer on the grounds of insufficient evidence.
Indeed, the question of whether there is a "self" at all, or even consciousness, is challenged by physics.  Therefore, the question itself (of after-life) is considered irrelevant by some thinkers.
For many people, it is exceedingly uncomfortable to admit that there are questions that they can never answer, or at least never prove an answer.
Instead, we must turn to classical sources, whether they be the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible,
or modern authors and philosophers.  For each of these avenues, we must apply not only our reason, but also our deeper sense, an indefinable sense, perhaps one might call it the "faith" sense.
This is a life-long endeavor.  We come into this world not knowing what are the rules, or what is the object.  Over time, we start to piece it all together, but the journey includes many false paths, dead-end alleyways, and the edges of cliffs.
The final answer comes at the time of death itself, but of course, there is no universally accepted testimony from those who claim to have crossed over and then come back.
We can agonize over this, or else, we can simply enjoy the ride, the adventure, the seeking (rather than the finding).
If death is eternal oblivion, then we need not fear it, except by instinct.  If there is an after-life, then we should live as if there is one, and as if we are accountable for our deeds, but forgivable for our misdeeds,

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