Friday, May 31, 2019

Is Science Becoming a Religion?

Science, as an ideal, is very far from religion, but SOME of the INSTITUTIONS of science
take on a decidedly episcopal, very unscientific, structure.  Those institutions
are run by money rather than the search for scientific facts, and the competition
can be fierce.  Scientists can troll each other at a very sophisticated level.
Science depends largely on government funding, which means that you and I
have our money confiscated for "the good" of science.  Indeed, researchers
openly solicit "grant-writers" to apply for funding, because they know that a
good grant-writer can secure lots of money to research the mating habits of
the purple-breasted sap-sucker, whereas an unskilled grant-writer might not secure
modest funding to develop a high probability cure for cancer. 

Political connections also dominate science.  Some scientists have suddenly found
themselves locked out of research because they asked too many embarrassing questions.
For example, any climatologist who even innocently questions some of the data
concerning the IPCC will be quickly silenced, threatened with loss of livelihood,
which explains why "ALL" climatologists affirm that manmade global warming is on the rise,
no matter what the fluctuations in the weather are.  Money.

AIDS research was corrupted from the beginning, when US researchers plagiarized the
research of less well-connected French researchers.  Thereafter, if a patient died of
AIDS, it was because he had not followed the protocol, and if he survived, it was
because he had (even if he had not).  African governments quickly began diagnosing
malaria patients as HIV-infected, because large amounts of money quickly poured
in when they so reported.  The clinical definition of AIDS was changed when it was
discovered that not enough women were diagnosed as HIV-positive, so as to satisfy the
feminist activists.  Money.
These are just two examples.  There are many more.
It is the institutions of science, and the people who run them, not science itself, that is corrupt.
All bow before the priests of so-called science, or lose your funding.

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