Perhaps the greatest question in physics today is, how does consciousness arise from material substance?
The answer is, it does not. Consciousness is a thing unto itself. It is not produced by matter.
One theory that seems to attempt to bridge the gap between inert matter and consciousness is that of panpsychism. In that theory, consciousness is (so to speak) baked into the cake. Mind and matter are considered to be one and the same. Everything is said to have some degree, level or form of consciousness. Complex arrangements of matter, such as the brain, therefore, are said to exhibit the highest known level of consciousness.
The problem with this idea is that panpsychism does not really explain anything. It does not tell us what consciousness really is.
Furthermore, panpsychism makes predictions about consciousness which are speculative at best, and in grave error at worst. One of these speculations concerns the predicted advent of computer systems, one day, “waking up,” and becoming conscious and purposeful, perhaps on a level higher than any human could ever attain.
This prediction demeans human life by promoting the idea that physicalists already imply, that is, that humans are (or will become) irrelevant and disposable in the universal scheme. It makes of humans, mere products of physics.
A better theory of consciousness is the one which is hierarchical, or to use an older term, supernatural. (The word, supernatural, is entirely unlike the word, unnatural.) Consciousness is a fundamental reality, but not baked into physical reality. Consciousness is above physical reality, and exists independently in a different and higher realm. The physical realm is produced by the conscious intent of the Creator.
The brain is an instrument of consciousness, not its source. The violin does not produce music on its own. Music needs the trinity of composer, player, instrument. Likewise, consciousness needs the Creator, the soul, the brain.
The Creator created us, and endowed us with three of His divine characteristics, those of life, consciousness and free will. With His living, conscious volition, he created all of physical reality, and perhaps, infinities more realms than we can ever imagine.
Panpsychism attempts to make the creation into the Creator, and is therefore fatally flawed.
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