Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Is the Universe Recursive?


“If we had a complete set of universal laws, then those laws would necessarily describe any change in themself (sic) over time, or they would not be a complete set of laws."

[End quote]

The commenter goes on to say that, if we could determine the laws of nature, completely, then this would require that the universe has no external cause.

My comment is this:  if the laws of nature could be formulated completely, those laws would determine WHETHER they could be formulated, AND, whether they WOULD.

The exception would be that such laws account for (or at least permit) free will, the independent agency of human conscious thought.

But in that case, such free will would (at the least) suggest that there are external laws of reality that govern nature, laws that are divinely ordained, not the mindless and purposeless machinery of physicalism.

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