Thursday, September 26, 2019

Some Metaphysical Speculations: What does "Clockwise" Tell us about Reality?

If you were speaking by radio, with alien creatures on some other planet, (let’s assume rapid audio-only communication), how would you explain to them which was your right hand or left?
The fancy word for this topic is “chirality,” and your life depends on it.  Chirality is the reason why your right hand is different from your left.  It is also the reason why certain molecules of sugar (right-handed) are nutritious, and others (left-handed) are not (and indeed can be harmful).
Here is the problem for both physics and metaphysics:  is the universe itself, chiral?  Is it right-handed or left, clockwise or anti-clockwise?
Modern physics has assured us that physical laws operate the same regardless of the arrow of time.  The same chemical reactions occur whether going forward in time, or in reverse.  The only difference is thermodynamic, but regardless of that, the universe is symmetric:  half of it is the mirror image of the other half, but the two halves are not inter-changeable.  One cannot substitute left with right.
All biological life forms on earth have the same biochemical chirality.  Organic molecules in living creatures are chiral in the same direction.  The same molecules, but of opposite chirality, do not function in living creatures.
This may apply only on earth, but we do not know.  Life forms on other planets should, if chirality is NOT essential for life, have random chirality that in half the instances, differs from ours.  But, if all life forms everywhere have the SAME chirality, this would indicate that the universe is inherently chiral, that is, either right-handed or left, clockwise or anti-clockwise.
There is a bit of evidence for a chiral universe in the proportion of matter to anti-matter.  Matter is by far the predominant form of ordinary atomic matter, and anti-matter is exceedingly rare.  The mainstream theory is that as matter and anti-matter annihilate each other, a slight imbalance in their original proportion, favors the survival of matter, and that the original imbalance was due only to random chance.  If one flips a coin a billion times, the likelihood is that one will not obtain an exactly equal balance of both heads and tails.  There will be slightly more of one than the other, but with no preference for which.
If the universe has an inherent property of chance, built-in (so to speak), then that is an important fact for both physics and metaphysics. 
If not, then there are many possibilities to consider.  For example, there might very well be a preference, a preferred outcome of random events.  Another speculation for explaining a preferred chirality (if there is a preference) is that the universe is rotating.  This seems almost unimaginable, but in the many-universe theory, it is not only possible, but likely, at least as far as we can extrapolate.

On earth, there are two preferred chiralities for windstorms such as hurricanes and cyclones, one for the northern hemisphere, and the opposite for the southern, due to the earth’s rotation.  Might there be two preferred chiralities in the universe?
Therefore, to answer the opening question, perhaps we could, after all, be able to tell the aliens which of our hands is on the right.  That is, if we could agree on the preferred hemi-verse.

For more on chirality, there are internet links such as the one at


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