Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What if Reality Isn't Real?

What follows is my response to an entry in an online discussion forum.
Misha references an article at

I responded:
First, Misha, I like the title of the original post.
Not only is it philosophically startling, it reveals a great deal about the nature of conjecture.

There are many conjectures masquerading as hypotheses or even, as theories.
However, a conjecture is more a question than an answer.
That is where the, "what if?" comes in.

Whether it be the Simulation Conjecture, the Many Universes Conjecture, or
the Panspermia Conjecture, among others, they are all questions, not answers.

All of them kick the can down the road.
They all pretend to offer answers as to the origin of reality, the origin of
species, the origin of consciousness and so forth.

So they propose that life comes from alien planets, but without considering where
alien life came from.  They propose that our unlikely universe is the product of an even
LESS likely multi-verse.  They propose that we are constructs within a computer,
without considering where the computer came from, where the programmers came from,
and perhaps most curiously of all, are the simulators themselves simulations???

How many layers of simulations are producing simulations of simulations ad infinitum?
How many levels of ever less likely multi-verses are there?
How many levels of origins of origins are there?

These conjectures would be interesting questions if those who make the
conjectures would acknowledge these factors.
Instead, they pose as original thinkers,
when instead they reveal themselves as shallow dabblers in philosophy.

Like me :)  LOL



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