Monday, September 17, 2018

Superposition of Theories?

I will assume that everyone reading this is familiar with the double-slit (DS) experiment, which is perhaps the most often-repeated experiment in quantum physics.
(If not, there are excellent videos on you-tube which even I can understand--the videos, not quantum physics.)
The article linked at the end, refers to several and conflicting theories which attempt to explain the experiment, and more importantly to this forum, speak about how these theories cross the line from physics to metaphysics and philosophy.
The central core question concerns consciousness.  According to some, the DS experiment demonstrates that human consciousness governs the behavior of subatomic wave-particles.  According to others, the experiment demonstrates no such thing.
Continuing research is being done in an attempt to resolve the conflicts, but these are hampered by the inability to clearly define basic terms such as "consciousness" and "measurement."  These two words at first may seem clear and straightforward, until we think more deeply into them, whereupon the very word, "think," become problematical.
The bottom line is that, as of now, there is no bottom line.  One is reminded of the maxim, "It's turtles all the way down."

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