Thursday, December 24, 2020

Is Science Leading us Backward?

I recently watched a video interview of scientists who challenge Darwinian Evolution Theory. One of them made a remark that I found very profound. He said that evolution, at its core, seeks to explain the complexity of life. But here is its problem. The cell, which is considered to be the basic unit of living organisms, is enormously complicated. What's more, the problem is that the more we learn about the cell, the more complicated we find it to be. Therefore, instead of getting closer to explaining the complexity of life, we are getting farther away from it.

The video is at

Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution - YouTube

By extension, the same problem seems to exist with physicalism in general.    It is why there is a trend among scientists to question why it is that no new territory in science has been successfully resolved in over 100 years.  That may be somewhat of an overstatement, especially in terms of technology, but essentially, relativity and quantum mechanics are the most recent paradigm shifts. 

My personal prediction is that science will reach (and may already be reaching) a sort of brick wall, in which it is recognized that there are fundamental principles of nature that govern its workings, but for which there is no physical explanation.

To quote me (LOL), "Nature cannot have arisen by natural means, because until nature existed, there were no natural means."  If someone else said that first, my apologies.

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