Saturday, July 27, 2019

Psychology Today Magazine Article on Consciousness

Philosopher Sharon Hewitt Rawlette, Ph.D, has written a very lucid article on the relationship between consciousness and the physical world we observe.  I touched on these things in The God Paradigm, but Rawlette does a far better job of explaining it, and of making it clear.  According to the philosophy (physicalism) dominating physical science these days, things in the physical world are defined by, and only by, other things in the physical world.  Physicalism avers that there is nothing else, only the physical.  That is circular reasoning.  Rawlette points out how to avoid that logical flaw in physics.

Her article is at 
Here are some excerpts:

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It’s as though someone created a very elaborate spreadsheet and carefully defined how the values in every cell would be related to the values in all of the other cells. However, if no one enters a definite value for at least one of these cells, then none of the cells will have values.

In the same way, if the universe is to actually exist, its properties can’t be exclusively relational/dispositional. Something in the universe has to have some kind of quality in and of itself to give all the other relational/dispositional properties any meaning. Something has to get the ball rolling.

That something (at least in our universe) is consciousness.

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We have been trying to reduce consciousness to physical properties when it is consciousness that is the more comprehensive category . . . .

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Recognizing the ontological primacy of consciousness could finally open the door to the kind of research that promises answers to some of our most pressing questions: not just scientific ones, but ethical and existential ones as well.

[End excerpts]



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