Sunday, April 14, 2019

Nano-Technology's Blessings and Curses

The link above connects to what has to be the most awesome tech video I have seen in a long time, maybe ever.

While watching it, a recurrent thought that came to me, was briefly mentioned near the end of the video, which is:

If the technology suggested in the video is possible, and if there are exo-civilizations which are far advanced over our own, then the possibilities have already been actualized.

Such civilizations may very well have advanced to the stage of the "technological singularity, "which is the hypothesized state of computerized society, beyond which all the rules change, and no one can predict what will subsequently happen.

There could be self-replicating robot societies, or even unimaginable outcomes.
What does this tell us about who we are, and where we are going?

There is, however, one major element of which no physicalist theory takes account: ---the spiritual.

If the universe is at its essence spiritual, then all the dramatic possibilities mentioned in the video must be radically modified to incorporate a master plan, guided and directed by the Creator.

In this regard, the video calls to mind some of the seemingly otherwise inscrutable passages of The Book of the Revelation.

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