Tuesday, August 11, 2020

It's Either Intelligent Design, or Absurdity

If one accepts the physicalist paradigm, then one accepts an arbitrary universe.  Multi-verse does not solve the problem, because then the multi-verse becomes arbitrary.  If one resorts to an infinity of infinities physicalism, then one abandons cause-and-effect cosmology, and replaces it with pure randomness which is itself arbitrary, because randomness can operate only within non-random parameters (the dice must be designed and manufactured to specifications).  Intelligent Design is therefore the most plausible explanation for the origin and structure of the universe.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Free will has nothing to do with uncertainty.

Free will has no relationship to randomness or chance.

It demonstrates our sovereign independent agency,

introducing meaning and purpose into an otherwise futile reality.


Free will, like consciousness, is a fundamental, an absolute reality 

that does not arise from the material universe.


Combined with Life (or élan vital), consciousness and free will

define our nature as spiritual beings inhabiting physical form in a material (created) universe.